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Wydarzenia w AGH

Wydarzenia w AGH

Seminarium ACMiN: Green transformation in the automotive industry – challenges in the production of electrical systems

Akademickie Centrum Materiałów i Nanotechnologii AGH zaprasza na seminarium, które odbędzie się 7 grudnia 2023 r. o godz. 14.00 w formie hybrydowej.

Wykład zatytułowany Green transformation in the automotive industry – challenges in the production of electrical systems wygłosi dr inż. Paweł Kozak (APTIV, Kraków).


  • stacjonarny: ACMiN (ul. Kawiory 30, bud. D-16, II piętro, sala audytoryjna 1.02A)
  • zdalny: platforma MS Teams (link)


The scope of scheduled seminary concern implementation of innovative technologies for Automotive Industry. Aptiv deals with production and implementation of new solutions for Electrical and Electronic Systems as well as Autonomous Cars. One of the core areas that require applications of advanced analytical tools is Material Engineering. Very challenging investigation of components under massive mechanical and electrical load; exploring of new materials that leads to creation of innovative products often dictates usage of scientific, more advanced testing methods.
