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Seminarium ACMiN: Tuning topological superconductivity within the t-J-U model of twisted bilayer cuprates

Akademickie Centrum Materiałów i Nanotechnologii AGH zaprasza na seminarium, które odbędzie się 11 kwietnia 2024 r. o godz. 14.00 w formie hybrydowej.

Wykład zatytułowany Tuning topological superconductivity within the t-J-U model of twisted bilayer cuprates wygłosi dr inż. Maciej Fidrysiak z Wydziału Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej UJ.


  • stacjonarny: ACMiN (ul. Kawiory 30, bud. D-16, II piętro, sala audytoryjna 1.02A)
  • zdalny: platforma MS Teams (link)


Application of a twist to stacked layers of a two-dimensional material leads to formation of moiré patterns and may alter system electronic properties in a decisive manner. This has been originally demonstrated for twisted bilayer graphene, whose phase diagram encompasses unconventional superconductivity, as well as Mott insulating state. The interlayer twist angle serves as a parameter driving moderately correlated electrons into a strongly-correlated regime, suggesting a new paradigm for ad hoc design of highly-controllable materials. Recent progress in fabrication of copper-oxide thin films and monolayers provides an opportunity to explore another class of twisted multilayer systems derived from high-temperature superconductors.

In this talk I overview our theoretical study of superconducting states in twisted bilayer cuprates, with strong electronic correlations on the copper sites incorporated within the framework of the microscopic t-J-U model. The obtained phase diagram contains both gapless d-wave superconducting phase and gapped topological state that spontaneously breaks time-reversal symmetry. Our results will be related to recent experiments.
