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Joint research of AGH UST scientists and Tsinghua University in Beijing

Joint research of AGH UST scientists and Tsinghua University in Beijing

Projects from the AGH UST received funding in the second edition of the international bilateral Polish-Chinese research initiative SHENG 2, organised by the Polish National Science Centre.

A PLN 1,310,280 grant was awarded for the project titled Quantum materials for control of spin-orbit torques carried out in cooperation between the Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics, and Telecommunications and the Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology (ACMiN). The projects will be carried out jointly with scientists from the Institute of Microelectronics of the Tsinghua University in Beijing. The leader of the Chinese team is Dr Tianxiang Nan.

Out of 18 applications that had qualified for funding, the AGH UST also co-implements a project titled Smart fibers based on natural biopolymers, submitted by a consortium of the JU (Faculty of Chemistry) and the AGH UST (ACMiN).

The international bilateral initiative SHENG 2 for Polish-Chinese research projects is organised by the National Science Centre (NCN) in cooperation with the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) according to the parallel evaluation procedure, which means that both agencies perform a parallel eligibility check and a merit-based evaluation and funding is awarded to projects recommended by both the NCN and the NSFC.

The projects that have received funding will be carried out in Poland and China under the dual supervision of a Polish and a Chinese project leader. The money from SHENG 2 can be spent in a variety of ways: to pay the research team, for student and doctoral bursaries, to purchase or manufacture scientific and research equipment, or to cover the costs necessary for the realisation of the Polish part of a research project.

The applicants had the opportunity to obtain funding for research in the field of life sciences and in selected disciplines of exact, technical, and social sciences. The total budget of grants awarded for the Polish part of research amounts almost to 5 million euros.
