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AGH UST alumni celebrated graduation

An enormous group of people wearing ceremonial togas throwing graduate caps in the air. The photo was taken inside the AGH UST Main Building.

Photo: Maciej Talar, KSAF AGH

AGH UST alumni celebrated graduation

On November 26, 2022, nearly 100 of AGH UST alumni who obtained the title of Master of Arts in 2022 celebrated their graduation. This was the first official ceremony of this kind at our university, and we hope that it will establish a beautiful yearly tradition.

The event included former students dressed in traditional togas and graduate caps from three faculties: Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Management, and Faculty of Geo-Data Science, Geodesy, and Environmental Engineering. Our graduates, their families, and all other guests who came to the AGH UST Assembly Hall were greeted by Professor Wojciech Łużny, Vice-Rector for Education. Subsequently, the floor was taken by: Professor Ryszard Hejmanowski, Dean of the Faculty of Geo-Data Science, Geodesy, and Environmental Engineering, Professor Jerzy Stochel, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, and Professor Natalia Iwaszczuk, Vice-Dean for Science at the Faculty of Management.

The participants received congratulatory letters and warm wishes:

'(...) of numerous successes in both professional and private lives. May your passion that emerged during your studies allow you to explore the undiscovered and may your relationships with your fellow students transform into bonds for life'.

Then, the floor was taken by Natalia Orzech, a representative of the University Board of Student Government. In conclusion of the event, Piotr Siwiec, a graduate of the Faculty of Management and former president of the ‘Kadra’ Student Research Club, delivered a motivational lecture titled Life after university does exist.

Our alumni had the opportunity to take an abundance of photos and keep their graduate caps as mementos.

We hope and expect that next year graduates from all AGH UST faculties will participate in this grand ceremony.

Photo: Maciej Talar, KSAF AGH

The photo shows the Vice-Rector for Education who presents diplomas to the graduates; the photo was taken in the AGH UST Assembly Hall.
