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Laureates of the “Perły nauki” competition announced

A group of students leaning over an interactive table.

fot. AGH

Laureates of the “Perły nauki” competition announced

The Ministry of Education and Science announced the results of the first edition of the ‘Perły nauki’ [Pearls of Science] competition. Three AGH University alumnae and one alumnus of first-cycle degree programmes received awards. They will get more than PLN 880,000 to carry out their research.

AGH University laureates

  • project leader: Klaudia Łyszczarz, MSc Eng., a doctoral student at the AGH University Doctoral School (chemical sciences at the Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics); a graduate of the said faculty
    project title: Modyfikowane kationowo czarne szkła jako materiały anodowe baterii Li-/Na-ion
    the sum awarded: PLN 240,000
  • project leader: Maria Szymczak, Eng., student of Materials Science (second-cycle programme) at the Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics
    project title: Innowacyjne katody dla ogniw PCFC: optymalizacja perowskitowych materiałów trójprzewodzących
    the sum awarded: PLN 214,500
  • project leader: Mariusz Wermiński, MSc Eng., a doctoral student at the AGH University Doctoral School (Materials Science at the Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science); a graduate of the said faculty
    project title: Zaawansowany, zrobotyzowany system trójwymiarowej rekonstrukcji mikrostruktur materiałów - DigiBot
    the sum awarded: PLN 239,085
  • project leader: Klaudia Zielińska, MSc Eng., a doctoral student at the AGH University Doctoral School (Materials Science at the Faculty of Energy and Fuels); a graduate of the said faculty
    project title: Innowacyjne perowskity wysokoentropowe domieszkowane pierwiastkami 4d/5d dla technologii SOFC
    the sum awarded: PLN 188,100

The purpose of the competition is to support exceptionally talented graduates of first-cycle programmes or students who completed the third or fourth year of a long-cycle Master’s degree programme. 

The entry requirement in the competition included a presentation of a project whose costs could not exceed PLN 240,000 for projects in natural sciences, engineering and technology, medical and health sciences, and agricultural sciences. For projects in the humanities, social sciences, theology, and the arts, the limit was PLN 200,000. The project leader will also receive compensation as part of the award, which will not exceed PLN 3,000 monthly.

335 applications were submitted for the competition and 98 projects received funds. Representatives of 36 institutions became beneficiaries of the money.
