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DEMETER mission with the AGH UST students was launched

Mission participants dressed in blue astronaut uniforms. The photo was taken in the hall of the Main Building on a large staircase.

Photo: Space Technology Centre

DEMETER mission with the AGH UST students was launched

The first in Poland and the second in Europe, a completely female crew began an analogue space mission called DEMETER. The crew is made up of AGH UST students. The organisers of the project include the Space Technology Centre and the Analog Astronaut Training Center (AATC). The Polish Space Agency took the project under its honorary auspices.

The crew members include the AGH UST students from Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, associated with the AstroBio AGH Student Research Club operating by the Space Technology Centre: Magdalena Bator, Wiktoria Foryś, Martyna Garbińska, Wiktoria Tokarczyk, Marta Gajewska, and Lidia Dyląg. The participants of the 7-day mission have already been placed in the habitat and have begun their experiments.

The simulation of a space mission focuses on experiments related to food production in isolated systems, water consumption optimisation, group dynamics analysis, and psychological and physiological aspects of a group of women.

Considering that the missions are organised by the Analog Astronaut Training Centre, they have been standardised in collecting physiological and psychological data; we are so eager to see the results of this mission, both on the side of group dynamics and on the changes occurring in female bodies under the influence of isolation and an alternate life environment. We consider future projects with the ESA in the fields of habitats and life outside Earth’, explains Dr Agata Kołodziejczyk from the AATC and Space Technology Centre.

Research related to food production in isolated systems and analysis of changes occurring in female bodies that remain in isolation is crucial for long-term space flights. I am elated that this exact mission could have been carried out in cooperation with the Space Technology Centre’, adds Professor Tadeusz Uhl from the Space Technology Centre.

The results and data collected during the mission will be analysed by a team of scientists working with the AATC and the Space Technology Centre. Additionally, they will be made available for analysis to students conducting research within UNIVERSEH – European University for Earth and Humanity. 
