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AGH UST Rector’s Regulation on the functioning of the university – changes

AGH UST Rector’s Regulation on the functioning of the university – changes

Regulation No. 70/2021 of November 23, 2021 introduces changes to Regulation No. 56/2021 of September 23, 2021 on the functioning of the university.

The will remain in force until January 27, 2022.

§5 sec. 1 and sec. 2 change to:

1. All members of the academic community: staff, students, doctoral students, as well as claimants and guests, should apply the means of personal sanitary protection, as well as keep social distance when on the premises of the AGH UST:
a) Face masks covering the nose and mouth
b) Chemical disinfectants for hands and objects
c) Social distancing on the premises of the AGH UST: at least 1.5 m apart

2. During classes or meetings and gatherings of statutory assemblies, as well as professional meetings of staff, there is a possibility of modifying the rules governing the use of protective masks:
a) Teachers and speakers are exempted from wearing face masks
b) Teachers and meeting leaders can allow students or participants to remove face masks in situations where the nature of classes and activities makes the use of masks impossible or significantly obstructed
c) Using protective masks for all other persons is mandatory, especially when it is impossible to maintain social distance of at least 1.5 m.

§2 after sec. 1, sections 1a and 1b are introduced and they are:

1a. The Dean of the Faculty may, taking into account the nature of the classes, upon request from a teacher, agree to temporarily change the on-site form to the online form of the classes in the following cases:
a) The teacher has been referred to isolation, but their condition allows them to teach classes
b) The teacher has been referred to quarantine
c) The teacher has to take care of their child not older than 14 years who has been referred to isolation, quarantine, or when the child’s school has changed the form of teaching to remote education
d) At least 50% of the students in a group have been referred to isolation or quarantine.

1b. The reasons for motions to work remotely should be documented and a record of the dean’s decisions thereon should be kept.

§6 sec. 6 changes to:

6. Heads of organisational units can send an employee on online work performed at their place of residence exclusively in the following cases:
a) when the employee is under quarantine, waiting for the coronavirus test, that is, from the moment of receiving a referral for testing to the time of receiving the results
b) when the employee is not under quarantine but has to take care of a child not older than 14 years who remains in isolation due to coronavirus infection or is under quarantine due to close contact with an infected person.
