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Science in pursuit of criminals

How to connect a person with a crime scene based on biological and chemical traces? How to expose a criminal using their digital trial

Cases from the crime scene. Biological and chemical traces in forensic science

In films, crimes are often solved as a result of securing and examining the traces left at the crime scene. In the daily work of real-life investigators and experts in forensics, biological and chemical traces are of enormous significance when the connection of a given person with the crime is being established. During the lecture, the speakers will provide some examples of cases in the course of which such evidence played a key role. 

Mgr Władysław Wojtyczka 
Graduate of the Police Academy in Szczytno and Pedagogical University of Warsaw. Expert witness of the District Court in Krakow specialised in forensic science and dactyloscopy. At the AGH University, he teaches in the field of Modern Technologies in Forensic Science. For years, he has been a lecturer at the Academy of Social Sciences in Łódź in the field of National Security. He also provides forensic trainings for policemen, law students, and trainee prosecutors. Speaker at numerous national and international conferences. 

Digital trail of a criminal. How to look for evidence of guilt in the virtual world?

Despite the loads of information in cyberspace and diligence of criminals in hiding their identity, plenty of cases are solved by discovering connections between various data and following the thread. All of this is possible due to the knowledge and experience of specialists who analyse digital information carriers. The research capabilities of experts in this field will be presented during the lecture. 

Mgr inż. Tomasz Kosiorowski 
Graduate of the AGH University of Krakow and the Police Academy in Szczytno. Expert witness of the Forensic Laboratory and the District Court in Krakow specialised in trace evidence. Lecturer on cybercrime in the field of National Security at Cuiavian University in Wloclawek. He also provides forensic trainings for policemen, law students, and trainee prosecutors. 
