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Wydarzenia w AGH

Wydarzenia w AGH

Akademickie Centrum Materiałów i Nanotechnologii AGH zaprasza na seminarium z cyklu Krakow Condensed Matter Seminar and ACMiN Seminar, które odbędzie się 22 marca 2023 r. o godz. 9.00 w formie hybrydowej.

Wykład zatytułowany When nanoparticles get hot wygłosi dr Francesco Bisio z CNR-SPIN (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – SuPerconducting and other INnovative materials and devices institute), Genua, Włochy.


  • stacjonarny: ACMiN (ul. Kawiory 30, bud. D-16, II piętro, sala audytoryjna 1.02A)
  • zdalny: platforma MS Teams (link)


 The impulsive photoexcitation of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) kicks off a complex relaxation process involving the time-dependent re-equilibration of the electron gas, ion lattice, and NP. environment. These dynamic processes and the energy redistribution among the system’s degrees of freedom lie at the very heart of several highly-intriguing light-induced physical phenomena, such as photocatalysis, thermoplasmonics and solar energy conversion. Highly energetic non-thermal electrons (available in the first few hundreds of fs following the excitation), in particular, play a pivotal role in determining the final outcome of photocatalytic reactions, whereas the lattice-temperature evolution is instrumental for thermoplasmonics heating. In order to fully understand and harness these processes, it is necessary to know the dynamic, time-dependent evolution of the temperature of each system subcomponents.

In this talk, I will introduce various experimental approaches to directly deduce the temporal evolution, on the fs-to-ps time scale, of the electronic and lattice temperature of plasmonic NPs excited by ultrashort laser pulses [1,2], and discuss the intriguing physics and applications of hot metallic particles.
