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Partnership agreement with WSB-NLU

Conference room in the A0 building. From the left, dressed in suits, is the WSB-NLU Rector and Professor Jerzy Lis, AGH UST Rector. They are holding dark green folders with documents in their left hands. They shake hands in a congratulatory gesture. Behind them, there are glass cases with the AGH UST emblem and insignia: a sceptre and ceremonial axe.

Partnership agreement with WSB-NLU

On November 21, 2022, the AGH UST and Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National Louis University in Nowy Sącz signed a partnership agreement.

The universities declared cooperation spanning research and development activities, especially related to engineering and technology, and exact and social sciences. The agreement boosts the potential on both sides in the field of innovative education, modern management, and digitalisation.

During the meeting, Prof. Jerzy Lis, AGH UST Rector, and Dr Dariusz Woźniak, WSB-NLU Rector, emphasised the significance of cooperation. Its outcome will manifest itself in the form of even more effective results in the creation and development of ICT products and services. Mutual support in the development of digitalisation through the exchange of technologies and experiences will foster the development of the two universities, as well as other higher education institutions. Implementing ambitious projects in tandem, encompassing scientific research and development work, will constitute an important step towards the reduction of the technological debt in higher education in Poland.
