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Seminarium ACMiN: In vitro and in vivo studies of iron oxide nanoparticles toxicity and therapeutic potential using instrumental techniques of atomic and molecular spectroscopy

Akademickie Centrum Materiałów i Nanotechnologii AGH zaprasza na seminarium, które odbędzie się stacjonarnie 19 stycznia 2023 r. o godz. 14.00.

Wykład zatytułowany In vitro and in vivo studies of iron oxide nanoparticles toxicity and therapeutic potential using instrumental techniques of atomic and molecular spectroscopy wygłosi dr hab. inż. Joanna Chwiej, prof. AGH z Wydziału Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej.

Miejsce: ACMiN (ul. Kawiory 30, bud. D-16, sala audytoryjna 1.02A)


Extensive efforts are now done to design magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) with the desired physicochemical properties allowing their successful applications in biomedicine. However, in order to translate these theranostic nanomaterials (NMs) into clinical practice, the research aiming at determination of the biocompatibility of IONPs and the safety of their use in humans are necessary. The toxicity studies of NMs are mainly carried out in vitro on cell lines and cultures. In vitro experiments provide mechanistic information on the toxicity of NMs and, in particular, on their genotoxicity, cytotoxicity, the possibility of causing oxidative stress or the development of inflammatory processes in cells. They are, therefore, a very important step in the complex process of enhancing NMs biocompatibility and their biomedical potential. However, their results cannot be directly translated into in vivo models, which are still crucial and mandatory before the first human studies. The talk will present the results of own research demonstrating how the use of instrumental techniques, including the methods of atomic and molecular spectroscopy, can support the characterization of the properties of IONPs and the assessment of their toxicity and therapeutic potential in vitro and in vivo.
