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„Unique properties of halide perovskites” – seminarium

Akademickie Centrum Materiałów i Nanotechnologii AGH zaprasza na seminarium, które odbędzie się 5 marca br. o godz. 15.00.


Referat pt. „Unique properties of halide perovskites” wygłosi dr Olga Malinkiewicz (Saule Sp. z o.o.).


Miejsce: ul. Kawiory 30, bud. D-16, sala audytoryjna ACMiN (1.02A).

„Unique properties of halide perovskites”

Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites have been rediscovered recently as great absorbers in solar cells. In these materials the combination of organic and inorganic components leads to a material that is both low-cost, solution processable and an excellent, crystalline semiconductor. Particularly the solar cell efficiency, now close to 20%, has triggered a huge research activity on otherwise rather conventional devices. In this short talk I will try to discuss what is the origin of the unique properties of halide perovskites?
